Christine’s recordings began in 1990 with “Its about Time” on an Independent label Larrikin, followed by “Live at Mietta’s” , “Here and Now”, “Bloom” and most recently the CD “Away”. “Away” features tracks from the “Murdunna” project for Arts Victoria, guitar tracks from Craig Ross Engineer and Guitarist for Patty Griffin, and a track of Joni Mitchell’s “River” recorded with the marvellous pianist Andy Milne of The Dapp Theory from New York. Christine has been a recipient for many supporting grants from the Australia Council and Arts Victoria, and has recorded as guest or backing vocal on no less than 30 albums and live recordings. One memorable Recording for Mal Stanely’s Jazz Track for The ABC with New York Pianist Andy Milne in live performance.
“Away” is available for purchase. See details below.

It’s About Time. It’s About Time was Christine’s first CD released in 1991. A collection of jazz standards combined with new contemporary material, this CD is haunting beautiful.

It’s About Time. It’s Live at Miettas was recorded in 1993 at the famous Melbourne restaurant, Miettas. A beautiful collection of jazz standards recorded intimately.

Here and Now was released in 1997. This CD contains a more contemporary collection of songs including the beautiful ‘Here and Now’. Christine’s performances are exquisite!

Bloom. An eclectic collection of songs brilliantly performed by Christine and supported by some of Australia’s finest musicians.

Away is a collaborative project featuring a cast of the most talented improvising musicians in the country. Christine’s originals and several inspired covers are used as the basis for free-ranging, atmospheric jams that have the aural density of a sound-collage, combined with the pulse that only a superb band playing in real time can create. The band is the cream of Australia’s improvisers: percussionist David Jones, bassist Evri Evripidou, sax/flautist Tony Buchanan, and the producer/guitarist Craig Ross, known for his work with Patti Griffin. Also appearing are Jeremy Alsop, David Hirschfelder, Stephen Magnusson, Luke Howard, Andy Milne and Mary Doumany. The covers are emotionally devastating renditions of Joni Mitchell’s River and Bruce Hornsby’s Shadowlands.
Away is available for purchase by contacting Christine via email. Click here!